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Yacht Dice Game Scoresheets

Yacht (or Yahtzee as the trademark calls itself) is a quiet dice game that can be played with some friends and a glass of wine without the need to think too much. After searching for quite some time looking for any decent scoresheets, I decided to just make my own Yacht (or Yahtzee) scoresheets. And now they are available for anyone to download should they want.

Basic Port Scanning Exercise with Capture the Flag and Deduction

Designing engaging exercises when students do not yet possess a lot of knowledge can be difficult. I show how I draw on students' prior knowledge, along with basic introductory concepts, to design an elemental (but fun) port scan exercise in an introductory security testing module. While "capture the flag" is a security industry standard for exercises, it can require a lot of in-depth knowledge to properly implement and complete. Using basic computer science concepts such as ports and ASCII values, I designed a simplified capture the flag exercise where students can make use of deductive reasoning to complete the game.